Nole Central: Getting Involved

        One of the coolest tools provided to Florida State students is a website called Nole Central. This is one central place where students can go to find organizations, events, news, and even track their own involvement on campus. This is helpful for students looking to get involved because it provides a quick way to find organizations and events that interest you.

         There are many organizations listed on Nole Central, and you have the option of browsing through all of them to find one that interests you or you can even search organizations using key words that interest you. You can also narrow down the organizations available by predetermined categories if you’re not exactly sure what you’re looking for and would like some guidelines in your browsing. If you find an organization that interests you, you can click on it to get more information about what it is as well as their contact information and sometimes information on when and where they have their club meetings.

         If you’re looking more for events to get involved with, Nole Central has you covered as well. You can browse or search events just as you can organizations, but you can also narrow your search by dates, themes, and perks. Due to COVID-19, you can also narrow your search to include only online events. If you find an event that interests you, you can click on it to find the date and time it’s being held, a description, and the location. This is a great tool to find events that are happening on or around campus without having to hear by word of mouth. There are many events covering a variety of topics and interests, so there’s really something for everyone!

         There are also news articles published on Nole Central, although they are mostly centered around communication for the events and organizations that are published on Nole Central, providing a place where reminders for meetings or cancellation notices for meetings can be published. This is a good place to watch if you’re planning on attending any events published.

         The only part of Nole Central that you need an FSU student login for is accessing the membership tracking page. Here, you can track which organizations you are a member of so that you have a log of your involvement on campus. This is a helpful tool to keep track of all of the organizations you are a part of while at Florida State, so that when you are building your resume you have a simple place to look back at rather than relying on memory.

         If you’re looking to get involved at Florida State, Nole Central is the website for you! It makes it easy to get connected with students with similar interests as you, and to get involved in whatever interests you.

Author: Hope Knepper

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