Touring FSU Virtually

Personally, one of the most memorable parts of my college journey was visiting FSU before attending here. Unfortunately, because of complications with the pandemic, FSU has not been hosting in-person campus tours. A clever way to still get a feel for the campus, while staying safe from the comforts of your home, is offered through a website called YouVisit.

YouVisit has 3 virtual tours offered for FSU: Florida State University, Florida State University Panama City, and University Housing. Upon entering the site, it will ask you for your first and last name, your email, and your status (ex. Incoming student, current student).

The tour works similar to Google Streetview, where you click on arrows that “walk” you through the campus. Each place you visit is marked on Google Maps in the bottom left, so you can get an idea of the larger scale of the campus and where all the landmarks are found in relation to one another. In addition to this, there is a narrator giving you information on the specific section of the campus you are viewing. In the bottom right corner of the browser window, you can find the accessibility options for this narrator. The narrator can speak in English, Spanish, and Mandarin- and if you do not want audio, you can hit the sound icon to toggle a text transcript. Some of my favorite spots on campus that I recommend you visit are the Innovation Hub and Landis Green.

Another great resource for touring the campus virtually is through a playlist made by students with the FSU Office of Admissions:

Although this playlist is only limited to the Tallahassee campus, and does not have all the locations YouVisit has, it is still a great way to visit some of the popular campus spots. There is even an alternate version of this tour brought to you by our coaches instead!

One last recommendation I have is to search Facebook and Instagram for Nole Your Campus, which is also run by students and shows off some of the under-the-radar spots. While we are very sad that you might not see all of the beauty the FSU campus offers in-person, we hope that these virtual resources will give you a better understanding of the campus and culture here at FSU. GO NOLES!

Author: Westen Dorweiler

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