Important Keyboard Shortcuts for Class

Happy Friday Noles,

Classes are often online currently due to Covid. Keyboard shortcuts are a big time saver for any online class, and can help you be more efficient at your work. They also help for studying and research. This blog post will inform you about keyboard shortcuts that will make your college life much easier.

  1. Ctrl + C, and Ctrl + V: This is one of the most important shortcuts that most people use. Ctrl + C will allow you to copy text that you highlighted with your mouse. While Ctrl + V can paste that highlighted text onto a document. This can be a really important shortcut for classes that provide you with templates and for group work.
  2. Ctrl + F: One of the most important keyboard shortcuts to know and one that I use everyday. This shortcut will pull up a search bar allowing you to search the web page that you are on for specific words or phrases. This can be extremely helpful for studying and research because you don’t need to sift through a long webpage to find the information that you want.
  3. Alt + Tab: This shortcut is also essential. Clicking on tabs can be really annoying when you have many tabs open on your computer. This shortcut allows you to switch tabs on the fly which can make things like studying much easier if you have many different web pages open.
  4. Ctrl + Tab: Similar to the previous shortcut, but this one switches between tabs in a browser rather than windows on the computer.
  5. Windows + Shift + S: This shortcut is important for taking good screenshots. It is pretty much the same as pulling out the snipping tool, but with just 3 buttons. This can be helpful in any situation where you need a screenshot. You just press Windows + Shift + S and drag across the area you want to screenshot.
  6. Ctrl + S or F12: While using microsoft office, these shortcuts will be useful to quickly save your work. Ctrl + S is an easy shortcut to save your current work. F12 is a shortcut for Save-as and will allow you to save the work to another place on your computer.

All of these shortcuts are very helpful and can save you a lot of time when writing documents, studying, researching, etc. These have been extremely important for me in all of my classes and I hope it will help you all get your work done more efficiently.

Author: Mathew Solomon

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