Using Microsoft OneDrive to Back up Your Files

With how much of our school work takes place digitally (if not ALL schoolwork), we must have file backups in place to ensure none of our hard work is lost. Before you go out and buy an expensive hard drive to back up your files, did you know there is also a way to virtuallyContinue reading “Using Microsoft OneDrive to Back up Your Files”

Utilizing the University Counseling Center at FSU

Hey Noles, everyone here at THT hopes your Spring 2021 semester is off to a great start! For some of us, though, this may be a time of great difficulty or uncertainty. That is entirely alright, though- there is nothing wrong with needing some extra help. For this blog post, we want to highlight theContinue reading “Utilizing the University Counseling Center at FSU”

New Student Survival Guide | Spring 2021

Happy New Year Noles! We are very close to starting the first week of classes, so for this blog post we want to highlight a collection of resources that might come in handy if you are a new student. Scheduling an Advising Appointment We will start off with advising, as you might have a lotContinue reading “New Student Survival Guide | Spring 2021”

Touring FSU Virtually

Personally, one of the most memorable parts of my college journey was visiting FSU before attending here. Unfortunately, because of complications with the pandemic, FSU has not been hosting in-person campus tours. A clever way to still get a feel for the campus, while staying safe from the comforts of your home, is offered throughContinue reading “Touring FSU Virtually”

All About the FSU Food for Thought Pantry

Happy Thanksgiving Noles! As part of the season of giving, we thought we would share an amazing resource here at FSU with you all! The FSU Food for Thought Pantry is an great place to both donate food or receive food if you are in need. To help us better explain the Food for ThoughtContinue reading “All About the FSU Food for Thought Pantry”

Nole Central: Getting Involved

        One of the coolest tools provided to Florida State students is a website called Nole Central. This is one central place where students can go to find organizations, events, news, and even track their own involvement on campus. This is helpful for students looking to get involved because it provides a quick way to findContinue reading “Nole Central: Getting Involved”

Using EvaluationKIT on Canvas to Research Courses and Professors

            Now that registration for Spring 2021 classes is starting to open, most people are probably going to be looking towards sites like Rate My Professor when signing up for classes. Rate My Professor is not a bad site, but I find myself getting inconsistent results when I use it, as sometimes there are not enoughContinue reading “Using EvaluationKIT on Canvas to Research Courses and Professors”

Movies and Gaming at the ASLC

            With COVID closing most entertainment options on and off-campus, it can be hard to find a fun and safe way to unwind after a stressful day of classes. For students who are struggling to make friends or just trying to find something fun to do, look no further than the Askew Student Life Center!             TheContinue reading “Movies and Gaming at the ASLC”

Get Involved with FSU Campus Recreation

            During a pandemic, it is difficult to remain an involved part of the FSU, especially when you are new to the community. However, thanks to FSU Campus Recreation, there are still so many safe ways to focus on your own personal wellness while also taking advantage of the many facilities and resources that FSU hasContinue reading “Get Involved with FSU Campus Recreation”

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