LinkedIn Learning: Learn New Skills in Your Free Time

Happy Holidays Noles! At the time of writing, we have a little under 2 weeks until Spring 2021 classes start. If you notice that you have some more free time than usual during this break, and you are looking for a way to learn some new skills, LinkedIn Learning is the place you need toContinue reading “LinkedIn Learning: Learn New Skills in Your Free Time”

Using EvaluationKIT on Canvas to Research Courses and Professors

            Now that registration for Spring 2021 classes is starting to open, most people are probably going to be looking towards sites like Rate My Professor when signing up for classes. Rate My Professor is not a bad site, but I find myself getting inconsistent results when I use it, as sometimes there are not enoughContinue reading “Using EvaluationKIT on Canvas to Research Courses and Professors”

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