Upcoming STEM Career and Internship Fair

Hey Noles, hope you had a great week! Just wanted to remind you all about the STEM Career and Internship Fair coming up on February 16. This is a great opportunity to make yourself known to employers and find new job opportunities. https://www.career.fsu.edu/students/events/stem-career-internship-fair Things you might want to prepare beforehand: 1. Have a prepared resume:Continue reading “Upcoming STEM Career and Internship Fair”

Get Employed With Career Fairs

            Career fairs are a great way to get to know your job market and put your name out there to be hired by potential employers. There are many types of career fairs that Florida State sets up for its students to take advantage of. There are part-time job fairs, fairs specific to your college/major, graduateContinue reading “Get Employed With Career Fairs”

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