Career Shift: The Unknown Job Search Superhero

Happy Friday, Noles! Here on the THT blog, we have previously covered career resources like mock interviews and LinkedIn Learning, but today I wanted to highlight a career site that I feel is extremely unknown and underrated among students. I hope this blog post can change that, as this is a site that every studentContinue reading “Career Shift: The Unknown Job Search Superhero”

Interview Preparation

Happy July Noles! Do you have a future interview coming up? Or do you want to hone in your interviewing skills for the future? Whatever may be the case, Florida State’s Career Center offers a variety of Interview Preparation tools that will help any student seeking guidance for their big interview. The Career Center offersContinue reading “Interview Preparation”

Up Your Interview Game with Help from the Career Center

            Do you have an upcoming interview that you need to practice for? The Career Center here at Florida State has got you covered, with mock interviews via Zoom. Using the following link, you can sign up for mock interviews and obtain other interview related resources-             When scheduling a time for a mock interview, youContinue reading “Up Your Interview Game with Help from the Career Center”

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