Career Shift: The Unknown Job Search Superhero

Happy Friday, Noles! Here on the THT blog, we have previously covered career resources like mock interviews and LinkedIn Learning, but today I wanted to highlight a career site that I feel is extremely unknown and underrated among students. I hope this blog post can change that, as this is a site that every studentContinue reading “Career Shift: The Unknown Job Search Superhero”

Upcoming STEM Career and Internship Fair

Hey Noles, hope you had a great week! Just wanted to remind you all about the STEM Career and Internship Fair coming up on February 16. This is a great opportunity to make yourself known to employers and find new job opportunities. Things you might want to prepare beforehand: 1. Have a prepared resume:Continue reading “Upcoming STEM Career and Internship Fair”

LinkedIn Tip to Help You get Hired Faster

Hey Noles, Happy Friday! This blog post is for building your personal network using LinkedIn. Getting a job after college or finding an internship can seem like a pretty daunting task. Searching for a job or an internship can be like finding a needle in a haystack. Graduating seniors pay attention! This trick expands yourContinue reading “LinkedIn Tip to Help You get Hired Faster”

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