Career Shift: The Unknown Job Search Superhero

Happy Friday, Noles! Here on the THT blog, we have previously covered career resources like mock interviews and LinkedIn Learning, but today I wanted to highlight a career site that I feel is extremely unknown and underrated among students. I hope this blog post can change that, as this is a site that every studentContinue reading “Career Shift: The Unknown Job Search Superhero”

Using EvaluationKIT on Canvas to Research Courses and Professors

            Now that registration for Spring 2021 classes is starting to open, most people are probably going to be looking towards sites like Rate My Professor when signing up for classes. Rate My Professor is not a bad site, but I find myself getting inconsistent results when I use it, as sometimes there are not enoughContinue reading “Using EvaluationKIT on Canvas to Research Courses and Professors”

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